Three more names enshrined into Patriots Peace Memorial
Memorial Day honors those who have fallen in wartime. However, not all active duty service members die during combat. Researchers found three quarters of active duty service members were killed outside of combat between 2006 and 2021.
The Patriots Peace Memorial honors those killed by illness and accidents. Three more names etched in glass joined their comrades this Memorial Day.

Before the bugler’s haunting call and 21 gun salute, the crowd at Patriots Peace Memorial reflected on the names of three more service members, killed while serving this country outside of war.
“All family members who have received casualty call notice, we share your loss and we will not forget,” Lt. Col. Charles McLaurine said.
Enshrined here this Memorial Day: Jacob Moore, R Brandon Pennington, and Charles B Tafel.
“Charles would not have asked for something like this, we did it because we want people to know, Charles, what a wonderful person he was,” his mother Roseanne Tafel said.
Their families received the glass bricks with their names, which will become part of the memorial’s structure.
“It’s tragic things like this happen, he was the type of boy, he would, he would do it over and over again,” said Michelle Moore, mother of Jacob Moore, a U.S. Marines aircraft crew chief.
As the number of volunteers dwindles and fewer families experience the sacrifice of their sons and daughters, honoring those who died while training, gotten sick, or lost their battle with mental illness becomes all the more important.
“Your coming here today and honoring the sacrifice and remembering the sacrifice that has been made helps keep that flame alive,” Maj. Gen. Michael Davidson said.
Three more names, joining more than 450 others. Their memory will be providing a light for their families and friends.
Family members can nominate their fallen loved ones to be included in this memorial. New enshrinements are held every Memorial Day.
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