Local Servicemen Enshrined at Patriots Peace Memorial
Louisville, KY. (WLKY News)
Two Kentucky Servicemen who died while serving the country got a special honor on Memorial Day.
“To share with you your sorrow and to stand in solidarity to support you and uplift you, and to say we will never forget your loved one’s sacrifice,” Lt Col. Charles McLaurine said.

First to be enshrined was Specialist 4th Class Donnie McKinney of Marion, KY. The 20 year old Army National Guardsman died in 1986 when he was struck by lightning during an exercise at Ft. Campbell.
The parents of 32 year old Navy Lt. Commander Andrew “Drew” Hilliard accepted their son’s nameplate.
The Anchorage native died 2 years ago after a courageous fight with cancer.
These warriors did not died in battle, but organizers say their sacrifice is no less significant.
See full video: https://www.wlky.com/article/local-servicemen-enshrined-at-patriots-peace-memorial-1496096987/9947324